What if...?
… Redhill and Reigate were leading the way in sustainability and progress to carbon neutral
We are so used to thinking along the lines of What Is. But we know that this is not the mindset that will get us out of the current climate crisis.
We will need to think differently and awaken our imagination to create alternatives.
We are borrowing from Rob Hopkins' recent book "From What Is To What If" and invite you to think of the future that you would want.
It may feel unachievable in the short term, but provides a different path to take steps along.
What if...?
… all people who could cycle did so on a regular basis
… people stopped commuting to work by car (... or as a sole passenger)
… electric cars were the norm, people pooled cars and used public transport so less households used cars
… electric car charging was available in quantity on every street and car park
... he streets were almost free of cars and dominated by pedestrians and cyclists
What if...?
… knowledge of nature was more widespread (eg children learned the 50 most common birds at school)
… walking paths (for leisure) were considered important public health investment on a par with roads
… all children got experience of growing, eating and cooking their own food
… we increased the number of trees in R&R by 1000 per year, particularly protecting mature trees
… all public spaces were rethought as opportunities for improved biodiversity (and pauses in nature)
… everyone had somewhere they regularly walked in nature, walking out from their house
… all children regularly played in nature (eg woodland) near their home
… all local people (adults and children) felt their local green spaces were theirs and knew them well
Buildings & Homes
What if...?
… every home met ‘passive house’ standards
… there were no financial or knowledge barriers for people to reduce the carbon their homes use for heating cooking and hot water
… all public buildings that could have solar panels did so
… streets got together and discussed plans to improve their carbon footprint
… every home was prepared for climate change (eg flood and storm proof)
… our community has buffers from any food insecurity arising from climate change, so the vulnerable are supported
Food & Stuff
What if...?
… it was normal to go out of your way to buy locally produced food
… it was normal for each household to have majority vegetarian or vegan days
… surplus home grown food was used by those who would most benefit
… it was normal for local businesses to publish their green credentials and people using the business valued their sustainability
… the second hand market for clothes and household items became established, people bought new rarely and we used tool pools
… repairing and repurposing was the norm (and built into manufacture and people had the skills and motivation)